NSW students to journey into ‘Planet Fruit & Veg’

Monday, 31 August 2020 is the start of Fruit & Veg Month, which is a free health promotion event for NSW primary schools that puts a positive focus on fruit and vegetables for an entire month.

Developed and administered by Health Kids Association and funded by NSW Ministry of Health, Fruit & Veg Month runs 31 August to 25 September 2020 and aims to inspire kids to get interested in eating, enjoying and learning about fruit and vegetables.

This year will see NSW primary school students’ journey into ‘Planet Fruit & Veg’ and explore the world of fruit and vegetables through the lens of sustainability – because our health is closely tied to the health of our planet.

“’Planet Fruit & Veg’ is probably one of the most important Fruit & Veg Month themes we’ve ever had,” says Katie Booth, Fruit & Veg Month Program Manager from Healthy Kids Association.

“We need to take better care of ourselves and the planet by teaching our kids to eat more fruit and vegetables, to choose local and in-season produce and not to waste fresh food.”

Ms Booth adds that Fruit & Veg month will aim to teach students to think global by acting local.

“As a nation, we’re not eating enough fruit and vegetables. Not only are fruit and vegetables good for our health they are good for the planet’s health, too.

“Growing fruit and vegetables tends to result in less greenhouse gas emissions and requires less water and land than many other foods,” she says.

Throughout the month, kids will also learn about the impact of food waste on the planet.

“’Planet Fruit & Veg’ will teach the next generation to think about the positive impact their simple actions and decisions can have on their own health and the health of our planet,” says Ms Booth.

For more information about Fruit & Veg month, or to participate, visit: healthy-kids.com.au/teachers/fruit-veg-month/

While this is a school-based initiative, it’s something that retail pharmacies can get behind, too.

Focusing on ensuring we’re eating enough fruit and vegetables for a month, is a good thing for us all.

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