Latest Stories

Atlas: Too much, too little, too soon

Healthcare use in four clinical areas is widely varied...

$110m for eating disorders

Patients with severe eating disorders can access a pool...

$240m for research innovation

Up for grabs now is $240 million for medical...

Avoid unnecessary scans: NPS

Having an X-ray, CT or MRI scan usually won’t...

Capital gains at Chisholm

Capital Chemist Chisholm in the ACT has won the...

Chemists’ Own way to help kids

Chemists’ Own has chosen the winning pharmacies from the...



Industry Updates

AdPha pushes for expanded pharmacist role and medicine access

Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha) is calling on important reforms to...

Expanded vax services provide NT more healthcare choice

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Northern Territory Branch, welcomes the...

SA’s first 24/7 pharmacy hits major milestone

National Pharmacies Norwood store has assisted more than 25,700 people...

What the new paracetamol sales rules mean for pharmacists

New restrictions on paracetamol sales took effect on 1 February...

Hospital evidence and insight key to enhancing pharmacy programs

Expertise and experience of Australia’s dynamic hospital pharmacy profession is...

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