Priceline pushes digital strategy forward

Australian Pharmaceutical Industries (API) announced today that it has partnered with Roy Morgan to use its leading Helix Personas customer segmentation tool to further improve customer insights and analytics in its Priceline Pharmacy business.

API will employ the Helix tool to enhance the personalised view of each customer enabling it to provide a curated experience for its Priceline customers.

Helix Personas uses deep psychographic insights, far beyond simple demographics, to segment consumers into targetable groups. The tool incorporates values, beliefs and attitudes which are the best predictors of consumer behaviour, so that retailers can reach customers most effectively with messages that resonate,” says Roy Morgan’s CEO Michele Levine.

API will use Helix Personas to enhance its understanding of customer behaviour, for example Priceline Pharmacy will analyse Click & Collect and Click & Deliver order data to enable greater insights into the behaviour and ordering patterns of its customers.

Priceline Pharmacy will use this data, sourced from customers using these eCommerce services, to design product and marketing that is relevant for each store catchment area.

This partnership with the research and data insights company is the latest in a series of partnerships and investments API has recently made as part of its goal to maintain Priceline Pharmacy’s Sister Club’s position as one of Australia’s best performing loyalty programs and the largest focused on health and beauty.

“We have evolved the Priceline Sister Club loyalty program so that the basket size of members is 42% higher than non-member customers. We announced last year that we’d undertaken a major re-vamp of our Sister Club program to provide greater benefits across our membership tiers and enable us to better reward our most valuable customers who shop online and in-store. Tools like Helix Personas will allow us to deliver more relevant, personalised and therefore engaging offers to our valued customers. When you combine this with our plans to upgrade our eCommerce platform, it is exciting times for our Priceline customers,” says API’s CEO and Managing Director, Richard Vincent.


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