Qld community pharmacies continue to excel in Covid vax delivery

Queensland community pharmacies have continued to excel in Covid-19 vaccine delivery with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia Queensland Branch announcing that more than 1.65 million doses of Covid vaccinations have been delivered through the community pharmacies since 7 June 2021.

Queensland Branch President Chris Owen says that this is good news and reflects the community demand for accessing Covid vaccinations through community pharmacies. He says that Covid vaccine stock levels “are level with demand”, improving access to the vaccinations.

With Covid-19 far from over, Mr Owen continues to urge communities to have their boosters and to stay up-to-date with their vaccinations.

For those considering getting their vaccinations through community pharmacies, Mr Owen reassures that this can be done with confidence as all community pharmacy vaccinators continue to undergo specific training related to vaccine administration.

 “Covid-19 vaccinations delivered in pharmacies are administered by highly-trained and qualified vaccinators who have to attain a current first aid and CPR certificate as well as accreditation in anaphylaxis management,” says Mr Owen.

“I would encourage anyone who hasn’t had their third or fourth boosters to visit findapharmacy.com.au/our-services/vaccination-services-covid-19 or come into their community pharmacy to get vaccinated,” he says.  

While there have been reports of issues with stock levels of antiviral medications, Mr Owen says that oral antiviral stocks are continuing to increase and community members looking for antiviral medication can do so by searching for availability at their closest community pharmacy here: findapharmacy.com.au/home/oral-treatments.

 “There have been quite a few reports that there’s a lack of antiviral medication, especially in regional areas,” says Mr Owen. 

“While demand was outpacing supply a week ago, we’re seeing more stock in community pharmacies now. 

“We encourage anyone requiring oral antiviral medication to avoid going to the pharmacy yourself to pick up the medication and instead ask a friend or family member to help. Some pharmacies may also be able to offer assistance in getting the medication to you as soon as possible. 

Anyone interested in accessing these medications can search via our website at findapharmacy.com.au/home/oral-treatments or simply call your local community pharmacy to find out what options are available to you,” he says.

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