Study provides insight into mental health of Australians

Latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reveals that more than 2 in 5 (43.7%) Australians aged 16-85 years have experienced a mental health disorder in their lifetime.

Anxiety was found to be the most common group of mental health disorders, affecting approximately 3.3. million Australians in the year prior to the study survey.

This data comes from the new National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing and paints a comprehensive picture of mental disorders in the community, also providing a snapshot of wellbeing.

“At the national level, the study shows that 43.7% (8.6 million) of Australians aged between 16 and 85 have experienced a mental disorder at some time in their life,” Head of Health and Disability Statistics at the ABS, Lind Fardell said.

“In 2020-21, one in five people (21.4%) experienced a mental disorder. Anxiety was the most common group of mental disorders; 16.8% of all Australians had an anxiety disorder, 7.5% had an affective disorder such as depression, while 3.3% had a substance use disorder.”

The study also shows that around 1.1 million (39.6%) young adults aged 16-24 years experienced a mental disorder in 2020-21.

“Almost half (46.6% of young females and one third (31.2%) of young males aged 16-24 years had a mental disorder in 2020-21, with anxiety disorders being the most common type of disorder among young females and males,” Ms Fardell said.

The study also gives insights into the actions people took to manage their mental health.

“Some 17.5% (3.4 million) of Australians had at least one consultation with a health professional for their mental health in 2020-21. General practitioners were the most common type of health professional consulted,” Ms Fardell said.

“Of people with a mental disorder in 2020-21, almost half (47.1%) had at least one consultation with a health professional for their mental health. In addition to these consultations, 4.4% (or 864,100) of Australians accessed at least one digital service for their mental health, such as crisis support or counselling services and online treatment programs or tools.”

For more information, visit:

If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health issue, reach out to your local healthcare provider, GP, or contact:

In an emergency call triple zero (000) or go to your closest Emergency Department.

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