Victorian businesses to receive financial support during lockdown

Victoria’s recent lockdown has prompted the government to act quickly and provide cash grants for businesses affected.

Automatic payments will be made to eligible businesses and sole traders across the state to minimise delays and swiftly get money into the pockets of businesses that need it most.

Up to 90,000 businesses that have and will receive payments through the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund and Business Costs Assistance Program relating to the May-June lockdown will receive the Victorian Government’s new support payments of $3,000 and $2,000 respectively.

Payments are due to commence over the course of next week – with total funding of $201.8 million. Eligible businesses will include restaurants, cafes, bars, event suppliers, tourism and accommodation providers and non-essential retailers.

The Victorian Government has also reached an agreement with the Commonwealth Government to fund income support payments from day one of the lockdown.

Workers affected by the public health restrictions are now eligible for the same payments afforded by the Commonwealth to NSW workers:

  • Payments of $600 will be made to Victorians that lose 20 hours or more of work during the period of the lockdown.
  • Payments of $375 will be made to individuals that lose between 8-20 hours of work during the period of the lockdown.
  • There is no liquid assets test applied to receive these payments.

The Federal Government will fund payments for those Victorians who work or live in a Covid-19 Hotspot declared by the Commonwealth – that includes Greater Melbourne, Moorabool Shire, the City of Greater Geelong, Borough of Queenscliffe and the Surf Coast Shire.

The Victorian Government will fund payments for Victorians who live outside of these areas but are still subject to the lockdown.

All applications can be made through the Services Australia:

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