Wear pink to work campaign

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is calling for tradies across Australia to wear pink to work and start a conversation with their workmates about breast cancer.

Victorian concreter, Peter, is this year’s Pink Tradie ambassador.

Peter’s mum Andrea was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer in 2013 and he wants to help other families that have been affected by breast cancer.

“Mum means the world to our family. She is the most caring woman and does everything to make sure we’re all happy, even while fighting her own battle. Mum has always been happy to share her story in the hope that she can raise awareness and help others who are on their own breast cancer journey.”

Peter is calling on his fellow tradies to join him this August and September by hosting a fundraising event and wearing pink!

The money raised from every event, whether it be a morning tea or BBQ, will go towards supporting the 20,640 Australians expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.

All the details on how to get involved are available on BCNA’s website.

Tradies can register an event or grab themselves a Pink Tradie beanie to keep warm onsite!

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