Lowering your blood pressure could reduce your risk of dementia

A new study published in JAMA on 19 May 2020 has found that keeping your blood pressure in check by taking your medications is significantly associated with a lower risk of developing dementia and other cognitive issues.

Looking at the association of blood pressure lowering with dementia and cognitive impairment, the systematic review and meta-analysis analysed the results from trials including almost 100,000 people.

They found that blood pressure medications could be associated with a 0.5% lower outcome of dementia or cognitive impairment compared to unmedicated patients.

The study authors conclude: “In this meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials, blood pressure lowering with anti-hypertensive agents compared with control was significantly associated with a lower risk of incident dementia or cognitive impairment.”

For further information or to read the study, visit: jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2766163

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