MedAdvisor joins US partner

MedAdvisor, promoted as Australia’s leading digital medication management company, has partnered with Adheris Health, a leading US provider of dynamic patient adherence and engagement solutions.

The companies have signed an initial 12-month digital partnership agreement that enables the provision of extended digital adherence programs to Adheris Health’s pharmaceutical clients and across its retail pharmacy network.

Adheris Health, a Syneos Health company, is a provider of dynamic patient adherence and engagement solutions. The company’s patient behaviour models are built on extensive data insights and analytics, enabling the company to communicate using its extensive and proprietary data-driven platform with varying patient types as they move throughout their individual patient journeys, including in the doctor’s office, at the pharmacy and in their home.

By targeting patients at the intersections of care with unique, dynamic, adaptable programs, Adheris Health says patients receive the comprehensive support required to continue with therapy, resulting in improved success for all stakeholders including patients, providers and brands.

Adheris claims to reach more than 197 million patients on behalf of more than 26,000 pharmacies and boasts the largest network for patient and prescriber access in the US.

The initial 12-month digital partnership agreement focuses on extending Adheris Health’s current suite of adherence and engagement solutions to include SMS and  web-based offerings powered by MedAdvisor. The US pharmaceutical market has expressed strong interest in increasing its reach through digital channels. The partnership with MedAdvisor is expected to begin generating revenue in 2019.

MedAdvisor will derive revenue in a similar way to that in Australia, where its patient engagement programs are sold to large pharmaceutical companies. MedAdvisor will charge a set-up fee and a per-patient fee relating to the size and complexity of the campaign.

“Adheris Health has been the US leader in patient adherence and engagement programs for over 25 years,” said Keith Kiarsis, President of MedAdvisor Welam USA. “They have generated significant revenue from their proprietary and patented technology, patient delivery systems and measurement. These programs have demonstrated significant adherence improvement across virtually all classes of medications dispensed through retail chains.”

MedAdvisor CEO Robert Read said: “We’ve been working toward this moment for the past six months. Aside from investing in business development in the US, we have significantly evolved our Australian product into a global product that meets ISO27001 security standard and US HIPAA regulations. Furthermore, the investment in globalising our technology platform is beneficial in the US, in Asia via our joint venture with Zuellig Pharma, and in time, in Australia.”

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