Dubbed ‘Virtual PATY’, for the first time in the event’s 14-year history, the 2020 Australia/Maxigesic Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award (PATY) will go ahead entirely online, with nominations for the award open from 1 June 2020 at: pharmacyassistants.com/paty.

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia National President, George Tambassis, says that now, more than ever, we need to recognise and celebrate our top achievers in pharmacy.
“PATY is the premier award for approximately 35,000 pharmacy assistants nationally.
“It provides a public platform to recognise the high value pharmacy assistants contribute to their pharmacies, the community and the industry.
“The coronavirus pandemic won’t stop us from acknowledging and celebrating the great work that pharmacy assistants do for the community on a daily basis.
“This year we had to be a little more innovative and bring the award fully online.
“Nominees will be able to submit a video as part of the nomination process, which will be run through the Pharmacy Guild Queensland Branch’s new Cloud Assess LMS platform.
“2020 selection criteria has been amended so nominees can include examples of their frontline leadership and skills developed during the coronavirus pandemic.
“State Workshops and the National Judging Workshop will be conducted via Zoom, with successful nominees enjoying catering via an online meal delivery service,” says Mr Tambassis.
The virtual Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award is now open to all Australian pharmacy assistants with a minimum of two years’ industry experience.
Nominees can either self-nominate or be nominated by a third party.
Several great prizes are available, including a $5,000 cash prize and Guild Training course for the National Winner.
For more information, visit: paconference.com/PATY.