Say bone-voyage to poor bone health

This Healthy Bones Action Week (21-27 August) Dairy Australia is encouraging Australians to reassess their dairy intake to ensure they are consuming the recommended daily intake per day.

Many women over 50 are transitioning through menopause. With the change in hormones comes an increase in the risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition in which bones become thin (less dense) and may fracture easily. Dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yoghurt are essential for building and maintaining strong bones and can play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of age-related bone loss.

A serve from the dairy food group is a cup (250ml) of milk, three-quarters of a cup (200g) of yoghurt, two slices (40g) of cheese and half a cup (120g) of ricotta cheese. Importantly, the number of serves should be increasing with age, and will differ by gender for optimum bone strength and overall health.

To meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines recommended serves of milk, cheese, yoghurt and/or alternatives:

  • Women over 50 require 4 serves
  • Men over 70 require 3.5 serves each day
  • Adults aged 19- 50 need 2.5 serves each day
  • Teens need 3.5 serves each day
  • Depending on their age and gender, children need between 1.5 and 3 serves each
  • Day

Dairy Australia nutrition expert Glenys Zucco says by not consuming the recommended serves of dairy, Australian women are putting themselves at risk.

“Dairy foods are nutrient-dense powerhouse providing a unique package of more than 10 essential nutrients. Research shows increasing intake of dairy to the adequate recommended serves can significantly reduce the rates of falls and fractures in older Australians while also reducing the effects of age-related bone and muscle loss,” Zucco said.

“There are so many easy and delicious ways to introduce additional serves of dairy into daily meal planning.”



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